Suppose you’re looking for a new roof for your home, either because your roof needs a makeover or it’s so damaged that it needs to be replaced in its entirety. In that case, you’ll have to consider the new roof’s cost, aesthetics, performance, maintenance, and durability. One roof you might want to consider getting is a metal roof.

Many people choose metal roofs over other roofs since they’re an attractive option when keeping longevity, minimal maintenance, and energy efficiency in mind. Metal roofs come in different material choices with varying pros and cons, including steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, and tin.

Even though metal roofs are popular among many homeowners, it isn’t the ultimate no-fault roof since it still has its share of pros and cons among the different roof types. Below are the pros and cons of using metal roofs:

Advantages of Metal Roofs


Metal roofs have many benefits, including the following:

  • Longevity
    Metal roofs are long-lasting and can typically last for about 40-70 years, depending on the homeowner’s chosen roof material. Traditional asphalt roofs usually last for roughly 12-20 years, significantly lower than metal ones.
  • Durable
    Properly installed metal roofs can withstand wind gusts of up to 140 miles per hour, do not rust, do not crack, and possibly impact-resistant depending on what metal the homeowner chose. Metal roofs also do not require the periodic maintenance that other canopies usually need.
  • Fire Resistant
    Metal roofs do not spark or ignite during a wildfire or lightning strike.
  • Energy Efficient
    Metal roofs reduce cooling costs by 10-25% as they reflect the sun’s UV ad infrared rays that contribute to radiant heat.
  • Environment Friendly
    Metal roofs have 25-95% recycled content and are 100% recyclable once at the end of their lives. In constant, most shingle roofs end up as building-related waste streams that accumulate to 20 billion pounds per year.

Disadvantages of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs also have potential drawbacks, including the following:

  • High Costs
    Metal roofs come at a high cost, about two or three times more expensive than other roof types. Even if metal roofs last longer than different roof types, the initial investment can be too high for the average homeowner. The installation labor is also high compared to other roof types.
  • Noisy
    Metal roofs may be durable, but they are noisy during rain or hailstorms. Having extra layers of solid sheathing or installation beneath the canopy can minimize the noise heard from inside the house, but they add to the total cost of the roof.
  • Can be Dented
    Metal roofs may be designed to withstand decades of punishment and abuse from storms, but they can be dented by large hails and falling branches, depending on the metal used for the roof. Aluminum and copper are softer metals and are more susceptible to dents than steel.
    Inconsistent Color Matches After Repairs

If the roof sustains heavy damage that requires portions of the top to be replaced, it can be hard to look for the exact match of the existing metal. The same goes for home extensions where the homeowners need more roofing material for the new spaces.



Metal roofs are helpful for many homeowners mainly because of how long they can last, especially when they’re well-maintained and properly installed. Even the disadvantages of using metal roofs aren’t enough to dissuade people from using metal roofs due to how reliable the canopy is in the long run. Homeowners can potentially save more money down the line when using metal roofs.

If you need help selecting and installing metal roofs for your home, you can trust Fahey Roofing Contractors. We have the experienced and skilled roof specialist contractors you need to help you with any necessary roof repairs and roof replacement. We serve various areas in West Virginia and Ohio. If you have more questions, visit our website today or contact us at (304) 826-1323 for West Virginia and (740) 523-0380 for Ohio to learn more.


