Winter is almost waving for a visit in the next coming months. Heavy snow and cold rain will sure fall onto the streets and lawns of your neighborhood. And there’s no stopping this season from occurring. Soon, snow piles and sheets of ice will form an ice rink on sidewalks and rooftops. Your roof acts as a barrier and protection of your family from the outside environment.
Once a blast of snow starts to fall, it will be extremely hard for you to fix any roof problems during winter. Just simply climbing onto your roof and balancing yourself is no easy task, to begin with. The best thing you can do is to prepare your roof, fix any issues before the winter comes.
These checklists will help you prevent winter roof problems and give your roof an extra pill to endure the coming storms the winter entails.
Clean and Inspect your Gutter
It is essential to clean your roof gutters and check for debris, fallen leaves, twigs, and pine needles, especially during the Fall season since fallen leaves and other debris can cause clogging. Gutters are vital in draining water and melting snow. If these are clogged, water or snow can overflow and will cause damage to the overall roof and walls of your home. Unclogging the gutters is a simple process but will take much of your time. You can buy a hose-end attached to your gutter designed to clean them. You can also invest in a gutter screen to prevent leaves and other debris from entering your gutter.
Maintain Trees Surrounding your House
Trees with long branches that hang on your roof add to the stockpiles of debris on your roof and gutters. Even if you clean your gutters, you need to regularly clean them since many leaves and branches are falling onto them. Other dead trees or trees that lean heavily on your home can be a hazard and destructive.
For example, these dead trees can crash in the roof, walls, and windowpanes of your home during continuous rain and snowfalls. The branches of these trees can also be a bridge for wild animals to cross and enter your gutters and attic and might create a temporary habitat. So, taking a simple trim on the trees around your house will prevent these inconveniences.
Inspect Roof Flashing
The snow and the cold temperature it brings can cause your roof flashing to loosen, tear, uplift, and corrode. To prevent major damages during winter, it is highly recommended to check and examine your roof flashing if everything is in order. You can ask for professional help from a roofing contractor for inspection so they can also fix if there are missing and loose pieces in your roof flashing.
Install Ventilation and Insulation
Stay warm, save on other expensive costs, and ensure the integrity of your roof by installing proper attic ventilation and insulation. Insulation keeps you warm and keeps the heat inside your home so you can spend less in running your furnace. Proper insulation maintains your shingles colder, which is the secret to preventing ice dams.
Do you need a professional roofing inspection before the winter comes?
Fahey Roofing Contractors has the experienced and skilled contractors you need to help you with any necessary roof repairs and roof replacement. We serve various areas in West Virginia and Ohio. Visit our website today at or contact us at (304) 826-1323 for West Virginia or (740) 523-0380 for Ohio to learn more.