When you’re experiencing leaks from your roof, the first instinct is to have them sealed up quickly so they do not pose much of a problem, especially when there’s rain or snow. Of course, applying a sealant is just a temporary solution, as a leaking roof most likely has caused more problems than you’re aware of.

These can range from discolorations on your walls and ceiling due to water exposure, damages in your attic, mold and mildew growth, higher utility bills, and even become a fire hazard should the problem be left unaddressed.

In this regard, you’d do best to have your roof checked and repaired or replaced. In doing so, you ensure that all your problems with roof leaks can be sufficiently addressed. But what if you’re still experiencing leaks even when you’ve already spent a lot on roof maintenance?

Here are the top reasons why your roof is still leaking even after your roof has been repaired or replaced: